Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dallin Oaks: Unselfish Service

Elder Oaks helps us understand the importance of service, of living for more than just ourselves.

"A selfish person is more interested in pleasing man—especially himself—than in pleasing God. He looks only to his own needs and desires. He walks “in his own way, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world” (D&C 1:16). Such a person becomes disconnected from the covenant promises of God (see D&C 1:15) and from the mortal friendship and assistance we all need in these tumultuous times. In contrast, if we love and serve one another as the Savior taught, we remain connected to our covenants and to our associates."

Read the whole talk here.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Jeffry Holland: None Were With Him

OK, missed a week while I was in San Francisco. Here's an early start, nine days to read a seminal message on Jesus Christ and what his suffering means for us.

"But Jesus held on. He pressed on. The goodness in Him allowed faith to triumph even in a state of complete anguish. The trust He lived by told Him in spite of His feelings that divine compassion is never absent, that God is always faithful, that He never flees nor fails us."

Read the whole talk.