5. German. Started German in 9th grade and did well with Mr. Hale. My acquaintance with a foreign language, and specifically German, helped me out four years later when I went to Germany on a two-year mission. I remember enjoying some creativity in the class, which was discouraged later in high school. For example, we had a stock question to answer, "Was ist dein Lieblingslied?" (What is your favorite song?) The standard answer was some lame German song like "Mein Lieblingslied ist 'Du Bist Wie Eine Blume'." (My favorite song is 'You Are Like a Flower'.)
One day in class I was asked that question and had a brainstorm: I answered "Mein Lieblingslied is 'Montag, Montag'." Pandemonium raged for a bit until everyone realized I'd answered with a real, modern song--Monday Monday (by the Mamas and Papas). After a moment of consternation from the instructor, he smiled broadly and approvingly at my answer, and an idea was born: I could think outside the box and still get points!
4. English. I had some great, creative teachers in English, like cute young Miss Hoff from Aberdeen, Idaho. I loved the sound of words, the interplay of meaning, learning different ideas. I even like diagramming sentences, ripping apart the structure of English to see how it worked. This has stood me in good stead over the years, being able to communicate clearly about interesting ideas.
3. Choir. The premier voice group at Oak was the Troettes (based on our Trojan mascot), a super qualified girls' chorus, because of course more girls went out for choirs than boys so they could pick the best and put them in an advanced gropu. I was in lowly Mixed Chorus with Mr. Walker, and we developed a quality in our performances that grew us into a real competitor for best choir in the school. I enjoyed learning and performing music, and gained in exchange a reduced performance anxiety and a lifelong love of music and singing. I got a lead in the school musical (HRH Miss Jones), parts in stake musicals, and I've been in many, mostly church choirs in the 40+ years since junior high, largely as a result of the joy I learned in Mixed Chorus.
2. Social Studies and Lunch. This pairing isn't as odd as it seems. In ninth grade Social Studies with Miss Ramsburg I learned about interactions among nations and people, and grew fascinated with how governments and countries worked.
An important counterpoint to this were the lunch discussions I had with friends. The northern part of Rossmoor, the development where I lived, had a large concentration of Jewish families, and a group of youth from that demographic would gather at a bench by the cafeteria and discuss politics and current events. I'd grab a chocolate milk and bag of popcorn (quicker and less expensive than the school lunch) and join in their conversations. I was one of the few fledgling conservative voices in the group, and enjoyed the battle of ideas, the practical application of the theories we were learning in Social Studies. Athletes of the mind--cool! The term nerds hadn't been invented yet, so we were unconstrained. I lifelong love of ideas and politics was born there.
Oh, one other thing for Social Studies. Miss Ramsburg drove us, but was a flexible teacher, so I didn't have to check my personality at the door. I developed a reputation for a dry wit, and have spent a lifetime burnishing that reputation.
1. Typing. This was also taught by Mr. Hale, on manual typewriters. It would be another 15 years o

1 comment:
I enjoy your posts! Maybe we'll run into you guys sometime- we've only been living in neighboring cities for seven months now. Pretty sad.
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